I want to validate my lumerical FDTD setup by reproducing two similair metasurfaces from two papers. One follows up research on the other so they use the same COMSOL finite element method and the second paper minorly edited this comsol file for the different geometry (which is important later). I have a normally incident plane wave source in the band of 750-800nm, and a frequency monitor spanning the entire the simulation volume above the SiO2 layer region with 250 sampling points. My goal is to reproduce the surface lattice resonance found in the papers (links below). This resonace is due to the periodicity of the structure which can be tuned with by setting the x and y span of the unitcell roughly equal to the desired resonance wavelength. By looking at the maximum electric field enhancement per wavelength in the volume of the simulation, in the papers referred as maximum field enhancement, these resonances can be easiliy indentified by a fano-style peak in the frequency band.
Comsol 5 1 License File Crack 85
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-A while ago I did convergence testing for the PML and Z-boundary height (where the PMLs reside), in both cases their error was a few orders lower than that of the meshing. As a sanity check I increased the number of PML layers from 32 to 56 but this did made no difference.- I did convergence testing in the range of 10 to 50 meshcells per wavelength with steps of 1 with conformal variant 1 method, for metasurface 1 the refining it nicely converges to the expected value and at 50 meshcells per wavelength I declared that the resonance was fully reproduced. The original work had a resonance with an electric field enhancement of 140 and in lumerical this is 135. For metasurface 2 the resonance very quickly converges to 50 at 30 meshcells per wavelength while in comsol the same metasurface gives an electric field enhancement of 85 .- Since I do have acces to the original COMSOL files of the simulations I compared the meshing. The meshing seems to be as fine, if not finer, as their simulations. 2ff7e9595c